3D Collision Control
Do you often find mistakes in your 3D models?
Many Danish entrepreneurs have problems with the 3D models they receive from consultants. Often, they can not be used directly in production, and various programs and file formats lead to confusion. Errors in the 3D models are normally only detected when construction has started, and the errors cost the contractor a lot – both time and money.
Errors in the 3D models include that the project is not coordinated across disciplines. Normally, this causes collisions, i. geometric errors in the project material, which means that you can not build. An example is a water pipe that hits a jet. That is a collision, which costs on the construction site usually between 400-1300 GBP and wastes time and material.
Get 7 tips to ensure collision-free 3D models.
Unforeseen collisions not only cause additional costs. They also provide responsibility disputes as well as dissatisfaction and inefficiencies at the construction site. Remedies are often fast ad hoc solutions that affect quality.
Exigo can teach you to do a collision check yourself or can do it for you. Read more about our courses.
New Hospital and New Psychiatry Bisbebjerg
”Ultimately, it is our responsibility as a contractor to ensure that the material sent in the tender is clear and collision-free. If amounts from the 3D model should be the basis for budgets (4D), material purchases, and schedules (5D), it is crucial that the ICT arrangements are adhered to in order for the project to be properly projected.”
– Per Sams, Senior Project Manager, New Hospital and New Psychiatry Bispebjerg, Bispebjerg and Frederiksberg Hospitals
Risk analysis of portability
With Vico Office, you can do a buildability analysis and collision detection before you start building, based on a 3D overall model that combines all areas. The 3D models are typically distributed to the areas of terrain/landscape, architecture, constructions, as well as drainage, electricity, plumbing and ventilation.
Choose which parts you want to control and get a visual overview of collisions. You can edit, prioritize, and filter collisions based on a quick and efficient analysis that shows the impact of amounts, schedules, and calculations. Communicate with the other participants in the project with built-in commenting and create your own reports. Learn more about the unique module from Vico Office for collision control, the Constructability Manager.
Sparen Sie 40% bei unvorhergesehenen Ausgaben
Durch die Kollisionskontrolle auf dem Bildschirm, noch bevor Sie in die Ausführung gehen, sparen Sie bis zu 40% unvorhergesehene Kosten. Darüber hinaus stellen Sie sicher, dass der Zeitplan nicht überschritten wird, weil die Themen aufeinander abgestimmt sind.
Wenn Sie sicherstellen möchten, dass das Bauprojekt vor Baubeginn gut koordiniert und baubar ist, ist diese Lösung die passende für Sie!
Das neue Universitätsklinikum in Aarhus (DNU) führt Kollisionskontrollen an Teilen des
Projektmaterials durch, um die Mobilität sicherzustellen
“Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass tragbares Projektmaterial im Hinblick auf Wirtschaftlichkeit, Zeit und Qualität extrem wichtig ist.”
– Simon Witt Pedersen, Projektmanager, DNU, Region Zentral-Dänemark
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